It looks like Harry Reid, the Gang of 8 and their ilk are going to ram down the throats of Senators and U.S. citizens the immigration reform bill.
Apparently, there is only going to be 1 hearing, at 2:30 in the afternoon, with only 1 witness. Harry Reid and the Gang of 8's bill is 1500 pages long and probably growing.
Can you say ObamaCare part Deux?
From Jeremy Beck: On April 11, the New York Times reported that the Senate immigration bill to grant work permits and legal status to illegal aliens "would exclude any immigrants who arrived in the country after Dec. 31, 2011."
There is no word yet on what the Gang of 8 proposes to do with people who illegally crossed the border after that date, or with the people who arrived legally but violated the terms of their visa on or after that date. The bill is expected to drop on April 16 (which will give Senators approximately 24 hours to review the 1,000+ pages before the one and only Senate hearing on the legislation), but early outlines have made no mention of improving interior enforcement to detect and remove unauthorized aliens. Nor have there been any reports of the Senate bill ending the "prosecutorial discretion" policy wherein ICE agents are ordered to release illegal aliens who do not meet the administration's top criminal priorities.
And then there's this from NumbersUSA:
Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act requires that legal immigrants demonstrate that they won't be a public charge before they're granted entry into the United States. However, according to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) the bill being drafted by the Gang of Eight that will offer instant legal status and work permits to the 11-19 million illegal aliens living in the country won't subject amnestied illegal aliens to the public charge rule, which could cost taxpayers trillions of dollars.
Most welfare programs require the recipient to be a green card holder or a U.S. citizen, so illegal aliens that receive an amnesty won't be eiligible for certain programs. But they will be eligibile for Social Security if they've legally worked the required 40 quarters to receive the benefit and they'll be eligibile for beneifts under the Affordable Care Act.
Once they receive a green card, however, which the Gang of Eight's proposal will grant after a certain period of time, illegal aliens would become eligible to receive all forms of welfare. According to a statement released by Sen. Sessions office earlier this week, "once this status ends and they become eligible for green cards, those who illegally immigrated will have access to a wide array of public assistance programs. Green card holders are currently eligible for Medicaid, TANF, Supplemental Security Income, child care assistance, food stamps, and a variety of other welfare benefits and public aid programs. The Budget Committee Republican staff estimates that costs could be upwards of $40 billion in 2022 alone, just for Medicaid and Obamacare."
And Beck concludes this: But let's assume that the anti-enforcement lobby surprises everyone, lays down their arms, and accepts E-Verify in five years. By that time, the illegal aliens excluded from the Gang of Eight bill will have been in the U.S. for five to seven years, which is plenty of time to "put down roots," "work hard," "become 'American' in all but documentation" and all of the other bromides used to justify turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. Is there any doubt that the same anti-enforcement lobbies won't be calling on the Gang of Eight to fix our "broken" immigration system all over again?
In their attempt to pass amnesty number eight, the Gang of 8 and the lobbyists writing their bill have constructed a perfect path to amnesty number nine.
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