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Barry "Satan" Obama |
This is happening in Las Vegas now.
If you fill a prescription, especially for pain medication, you are only allowed to use 1 pharmacy. Not 1 pharmacy chain, just 1 pharmacy.
And if your pharmacy is out of your medication, too bad, you will not be able to go to another pharmacy that has your medication- you will have to suffer until your pharmacy decides it wants to fill you prescription.
This is not the result of ObamaCare but the result of the Drug Enforcement Agency and their Hitler like directives.
The DEA is now telling what pharmacy you can use and what prescriptions you can fill. The DEA is overruling your doctor and the medicine he or she may prescribe.
In Las Vegas, numerous people who need pain doctors for pain because of cancer, broken bones, surgery, nerve problems, arthritis and other painful afflictions are going out their pain medications because of the DEA, Department of Justice and Obama because the Fed's are limiting access to the much needed pain medication.
Some of these patients will go through withdrawals.
Some of these patients may commit suicide because their pain is unbearable.
Some of these patients may resort to buying drugs off the streets, making law abiding citizens into felons.
Some patients may resort to violence and rob pharmacies or go after people who have decided that they know more about pain relief than the patients and their doctors.
It is my sincerest hope that President Obama and Eric Holder, the head of the DEA and the DEA agents all go out golfing, get hit by lightening, suffer severe burns and broken bones, suffer migraines and receive a broken back with their nerves stripped raw so that they feel every little bit of pain their injuries give them.
Then I would love to have them operate under the same circumstances those of us in Las Vegas have t endure and they don't receive their medication and they suffer their own little hell because of their medication policies. I hope they suffer have to suffer like they are in hell.
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