So, Harry Reid (Dumb Ass-Nevada) got his 60 votes by bribing certain senators to pass the Senate health care bill. (rumors have it the 60 senators, after the vote, bowed before a statue of Obama and chanted Obama's name, followed by licking the butt of the Obama statue)
So, now, the bill will go to reconciliation with the House version where the bill will become very liberal. Then the vote will come before both houses where several Democrat Senators and House members will vote no as a matter principal and the bill will still pass. Obama will sign the bill and in 2010, the Dem's will voted out of office.
When the Dem's are voted office, the GOP will attempt to reverse the damage the Dem's did, but it won't help as Obama will have the veto pen. Plus, knowing the GOP, they will screw it up, anyways.
Therefore, unless something happens in 2012, the country is screwed, our taxes will be much higher, we will have worse health care than we have now, all thanks to Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the the Democrats.
I'd say, may they rest in hell, but something tells me they are running Hell and will enjoy Hell very much.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
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