Well, I was surprised that Pawn Stars was on tonight.
Well, I was pleasantly surprised that an item I blogged about was on the show. http://lasvegasbadger.blogspot.com/2009/09/pawn-stars-update.html
The Halberd Axe was on the show. Originally, it appeared Rick was going to the bargaining, but maybe since the items weren't that real, they let Chumlee and Corey do the interview. Sucks to be the buyer in this case after it was determined the axes were much more valuable than thought.
The ball and chain was pretty cool. Nice to tie the kids down when they misbehave- just kidding.
And when Chumlee broke the glass case, I think Rick wanted to put the ball and chain, after wrapping it around his head.
The end of the potty chair segment, when it fell out of the truck seemed staged to me. But I can see why he didn't want to go to North Las Vegas. Many areas of North Las Vegas are ghetto. It also has some very high class areas as well. It's a tale of two cities.
With the fake playbill, Rick mentioned that the Secret Service didn't advertise the fact about that Lincoln would be attending the play at Ford's theater. But the Secret Service didn't start guarding the president until 1901.
Too bad about the clock. Buying it broken was not a smart thing by Rick, but when you gamble in Vegas, sometimes you get burned.
In the first episode, the Harley segment was pretty cool. It brought back memories of my father working for Harley, helping write a newsletter, back in the early to mid 60's in Wisconsin.
A note to Corey. When he rode out of the refurbishing place, he wasn't wearing a helmet, but Nevada is a mandatory helmet state. Anything bigger than a scooter and you need a helmet.
The spyglass and knives were interesting. I am not into weapons, so I wouldn't be interested in the knives. I know the spyglass would be interesting to my son as he likes looking at the stars and moon.
I was surprised that the payoff on the loan on the shop was at 80% and the default rate was 20% I honestly thought that the rates be the opposite.
So, another week of Pawn stars. Tomorrow, we plan on visiting the store and see if there is anything to buy. No need to pawn anything. Yet.
Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Buys Influence in Government
20 minutes ago
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