The U.S. senate, led by Nevada's Harry Reid (Dumbass-NV) passed it's version of the health care bill today, 60-39.
Clearly, parts of the bill are unconstitutional, especially the requirement that you have to purchase health insurance. This is the first time government has required people to purchase something, something they may not even need or believe in.
But Dan, people have said, the government requires you to buy car insurance. Well, yes, if you own a car. But you don't have to purchase insurance if you don't drive. If you take the bus, walk, swim or whatever, you don't need car insurance.
But hey, they counter you have to pay taxes. Well, you don't have to pay income tax if you choose not to work. You don't pay sales tax if you grow your own food.
And take the case of the Amish, they don't believe in insurance because it is against their religion. No exceptions were made in this bill for them. So, it looks like the jails in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states where the Amish live may be full of Amish citizens.
So, clearly, this part of the bill is unconstitutional despite what the Democrats say.
As far the debate today, the stupidist comment was this: "The occasion was moving for Sen. Paul Kirk, D-Mass., appointed to fill (Ted) Kennedy's seat after his death in August.
"He's having a merry Christmas in heaven," Kirk told reporters after the tally"
This is probably the first time Ted Kennedy and Heaven were used in the same sentence.
So, America has moved closer to socialism today. It is a sad day in history of the United States.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
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