Well, it is coming out now that KXNT is arranging it's drive time shows.
From the LVRJ: "Shuffling its format, KXNT-AM, 840 is switching longtime morning talker Alan Stock to 3-6 p.m. weekdays, his sunrise slot turning into a news block while Stock replaces the departed Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd. Stock will handle both drive-time shows Friday until the new lineup kicks in Monday. In addition, Mark Levin, who held down the 3-to-5-a.m. show, will move to 9 p.m. to midnight." http://www.lvrj.com/neon/kxnt-adds-morning-news--moves-stock-to-afternoons-95000839.html?ref=839
First off, I will be honest, I am not an Allen Stock fan. Part of it was that the mornings on KXNT were so heavy on commercials, that it was tough for Stock to get going on any subject. He also was loose with the facts and rude to callers who he disagreed with. He also threw softball questions to people he liked. I did listen to him at times, in between the commercials. Maybe in the afternoon, when I listen to him, he will show some sides I have not seen before, like how will he handle a topic more than 5-10 minutes and wil he be more accurate. When I listened to him today and he was interviewing the Mag-Lev people, he was not that impressive.
Stock will be replacing Mark Levin. I like Levin and I will probably listen to him on the Internet instead of staying up and listening to him until midnight. The people who like confrontational national radio will go to Michael Savage instead of Allen Stock.
As far as the morning show, they plan on doing more local news and other news information. Well, we can get that from Heidi Harris and Laura Ingram. Traffic, well the KXNT traffic people suck, just like just about every traffic reporter in the Valley. All they do is get information off the Metro, NHP and fire department web sites. They may also look at cameras. Many, many times, they are inaccurate.
If memory serves me right, KDWN, a couple years ago, tried the all news morning slot experiment and it failed because of the cost and that is how Heidi Harris got her morning gig.
So, will Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd show up again in Las Vegas? Probably not as a team. More than likely, depending on the no-compete clause, is more likely to find another job in the Valley, maybe even at 1280, KDOX if they want to do a local show. Kydd, with less experience may have a harder time, but she is smart and hard working and so hopefully she will find a job soon.
So, to me, it looks like KXNT is committing radio sucide and they will lose a lot listeners and I just don't see many new ones coming to KXNT from other radio stations.
But I go on summer vacation in a week and so it will not really matter to me as I don't listen to much radio during the summer. But I think by the Fall, I think there will be a new program director at KXNT and the line up will be adjusted again.
Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Buys Influence in Government
20 minutes ago
I have been a faithful listerner to this show since I moved here in 2002...the changes are not good: I find myself now listening to Heidi and other stations. what a shame" as the article says" they have committed radio suicide....SOME CHANGES JUST SHOULDN'T BE DONE...I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY TOOK CASEY AND HEATHER...THEY WERE THE BEST ONES FOR THE SHOW.
ReplyDeleteI suspect Heidi Harris's show audience will increase in size while KXNT will decrease in the morning. I suspect that Alan Stock will not have the same ratings of Mark Levin and Stock will not be a good lead in to Dave Ramsey. Radio suicide.
ReplyDeleteThis new Washington liberal program director just committed radio suicide by taking Mark Levin off in the afternoon. You must be a big friend of Harry Reid. It matter not, he has no chance to win and you have no chance to be successful. You just lost me as I will listen to Mark on Sirius or on the internet.
ReplyDeleteI will never tune in to KNXT until a new program director is hired and Mark Levin is restored to his normal slot and believe me I am among the majority. Good luck because you are going to need it with this softball lineup.
Sorry I got your call letters wrong.
ReplyDeleteI still know that KXNT is 84.0 AM on the dial but will never tune in again until Mark Levin is moved back to his afternoon time slot.
The only change that should have been made was to carry
ReplyDeletethe 3rd hour of the Levin show.
My radio USED to be tuned in from Stock in AM until 5pm
when I would jump over to XM for hour 3 of the Levin show
Now at most I'll tune in for Rush 9-12 and jump over to XM
for Sean ,used to just stay "local" but until Levin is returned
to his regular spot I'll jump to XM early each day
Radio Suicide
Hey, at least they're living up to their claim more as "news radio." It wasn't news radio, it was talk radio. The "Voices you know, news you trust" label was weird too. Right-wingers don't trust CBS News.
ReplyDeleteAlan Stock's show is now a news program? That will be different.
I listened today and it was difficult to listen to, both in the morning and after 3:00. I ended up listening to Ingram and Harris in the AM and Savage in the afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Mark Levin's endosement of Sharron Angle for senate has anything to do with this? When Mr.Levin endorsed her her poll numbers shot up by 25% to 35%. The drone of constant local news bumping Stock to 3pm? Does not make any sense. Was the real target Levin's show? The radio station said that their ratings were fine, why change it now? Did lowden or reid or self-socioenineering have anything to do with this? In the end, they have the right to do whatever they like with their station, but, I still wonder.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I wondered about that as well. I would be willing to bet Levin was the highest rated radio show in his time slot in Vegas, beating Savage.
ReplyDeleteKXNT, RIP
ReplyDeleteI agree. How do they expect to raise their ratings unless they went to a music format?
ReplyDeleteAnd if they do that, then they will lose a lot of political advertisments.
Radio stations are in the business to do one thing, and one thing only - MAKE MONEY. If K.C. and Heather were really that good, in the ratings, and as engaging hosts, they would have been kept from 3 to 6pm instead of Alan Stock. The Stock show most likely costs TWICE as much to produce in salaries alone. Those other two were obviously not moneymakers for CBS. Generating revenue is the only thing in radio.
ReplyDeleteThe new morning show on KXNT is a bit klunky, granted, but just wait six months or a year before making judgments.
Alan Stock, the host of KKKNXT, the most bigoted station in Las Vegas. Make sure you vote so we aren't Teabagged by these corporate puppets!
ReplyDeleteI cannot let the oct 7th commenter get away with pepetuating the myth that the right has something to do with the kkk. It was the right that passed the civil rights ammendment. Until just a little while ago, the "commucrats" had a member of congress, Robert C.Byrd a former grand wizard in the kkk as a senator. Another thing that the left tries to distance themselves from are the nazis. The letters nazi stand for the nationalist socialist workers party. Most of the suffering that has been heaped on the human race for many decades has been from the left. I've always wondered what kind of sychosis creates a lunatic leftist. I've always said that communism,socialism is when the crimminal element gains political power. They pretend they are for the "little guy" while they stab you in the back. You can see it all around you right now. In reality they are elitsts who don't think the "pleabs" should do as well as the higher ups. Pelosi has her nose so high up she can catch flies by inhailing.
ReplyDeleteAllen Stock comes across as a bigot, not only racially, but religiously , against gays and any group that is contra to his ultra conservative attitude. When I heard that pig call people that are prochoice, murderers, I stopped listening to KKKXNT. I also stopped supporting all of their advertisers. I can't support a station that hosts a pig like him
ReplyDeleteI have been looking for Levin on 840 AM ... did not realize his show starts at 9PM
ReplyDeleteI had a nice a routine that I liked in the afternoon with Levin... but now I listen to Savage.
Nice to know I can listen to Levin starting tonight at 9PM !