Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some People Have All The Luck: Snowed In At A Bar For 8 Days

From the UK's DailyMail: While thousands braved the cold to begin their Christmas shopping, seven people in North Yorkshire are praying for better weather after being snowed into a pub for eight days and counting.
Heavy snow showers and strong winds have left the group stuck in the Lion Inn pub in Blakey Ridge, Kirkbymoorside since last Friday, with little chance of an escape.
Drifts of up to 16ft blocked the inn's doors and windows, with the surrounding roads impassable, and to make matters worse, the stranded seven's cars are buried under nine foot of snow...

The group's predicament in the fourth highest pub in England continues as forecasters warned Britons to expect icy conditions for at least another week, with temperatures falling as low as -10C in the South East of England overnight.
Katie Underwood, 18, who has been a waitress at the Lion Inn for four years, said: 'It was really novel at first, and quite exciting.
'The snow is immense. Most of the windows in here are blocked up, but we've got a door open at the back to get some air when we need to.
' Read more:

I was stuck at work once in North Dakota because of snow. 27 inches of snow with 60 mph of wind combined to make some snow drifts over 10 feet tall. But alas, instead of a bar, I was stuck at a nursing for the cognitively disabled instead of a bar. Milk instead of Miller. Juice instead a screw driver.
Damn that global warming.

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