What is it with Democrats and ethics? If you make a bet with someone, especially for charity, you would think the loser will pay off. But once again, we see a liberal Democrat not only refused to pay off the bet but in doing so, he screwed the poor.
From jsonline: Gov. Scott Walker delivered Wisconsin foods to a Kenosha food pantry Monday morning, but noticeably absent was the man who was supposed to be there with him, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.
Walker bet on the Packers last winter in their National Football Conference championship game, while Quinn backed their opponents, the Chicago Bears, in the friendly wager.
Because Walker won, Quinn had been supposed to work in a Wisconsin food pantry while wearing a Packers jersey. But after the controversy surrounding Walker's legislation ending collective bargaining, Quinn hasn't made a move to head north across the border.
So Walker himself delivered foods from Wisconsin Monday, which included brats, cherry pies, cranberries and honey. He tweeted news about the delivery this morning and Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie confirmed the delivery.
How pathetic are you is it that you won't pay off a friendly bet to benefit the poor. Talk about being a petty little girl.
What is it with Illinois Democrats who hate the poor?
And refusing to pay a bet- Let Quinn do that in Old Vegas and he would have been visited by Guido and the rest of the mob and if he still didn't pay, I am sure a long trip to the desert was in order.
Sunrise — 7:18, 7:24.
5 hours ago
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