Wednesday, July 6, 2011

CA Mandatory Gay Indoctornation- Will They Dicuss AIDs?

Soon, the children of California will be mandated to learn about Gays, transgendered, bi-sexual, and people with disabilities.
From Fox News: California lawmakers on Tuesday sent the governor a bill that would make the state the first requiring public schools to include the contributions of gays and lesbians in social studies curriculum.
The bill, passed on a party-line vote, adds lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as well as people with disabilities to the list of groups that schools must include in the lessons. It also would prohibit material that reflects adversely on gays.
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I have several problems with this bill. First, it isolates people. Why should there be education about gays unless there is education about straights. Also, why are people with disabilities included with the gays? Two totally separate groups of people. are they saying that gays are disabled? They do not have the same kind of history.
Further, most school districts do not have a Hispanic, Black, White, or purple people eater specific classes, so why do the gay and people with disabilities populations need one?
Second: Why are they not going to be allowed to talk about anything negative? So, my guess is that the teachers are not going to be allowed to talk about AIDs and gay males, especially in the 10980's and 90's. This is a big piece of history and if teachers are forbidden to talk about this, then you are censoring history.
Third, the cost. California is having a horrible financial crisis and this will only add costs. Since this is a mandated class, what classes are they going to cut to provide this mandated education?
Finally, who really thinks that this class will do any good? This is just going to be like health class. Lot's of teenagers giggling and not taking this seriously.
This law is not needed because most, if not all, California school districts don't think this class is necessary. If this class was needed, then the school districts would have already included. This is just a bunch of politically correct Democrats who think they know better than the local school districts. If anything, this will probably isolate gays and people with disabilities even more.

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