Wednesday, July 6, 2011

May Atheists Burn In Hell- Oh Wait...

It seems like atheists just are like spoiled little children looking for all the attention they can get. They remind me of Veruca Salt, the spoiled kid in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971 version with Gene Wider)
From First atheists complained about a street sign honoring first responders who died during the 9/11 attacks, and now they are plan on suing the City over the word "Heaven."
"It's just like product placement," said Ken Bronstein, the President of the New York City Atheists.
To honor seven firefighters who died on 9/11, a portion of Richards street was renamed "Seven in Heaven Way," and it prompted criticism and national attention from the country's atheists.
"We are not against honoring those who died on 9/11, but we are arguing the word heaven should not be used. It has religious connotations," continued Bronstein.
"That's nonsense. The families should honor their loved ones anyway they want," said Anbriena Insausti from Manhattan.
Now the NYC Atheists say they are poised to sue the City to get a name change. "It's a whole conspiracy trying prove we are a Christian nation and imprinting our culture and our vocabulary," complained Bronstein.
Even some atheists don't agree- from the Friendly Atheist: Let's be honest here. Nothing we can say or do will make us look good. If we tell the truth (“There’s no evidence that Heaven exists”), no one will care. If we talk about the legal aspects (“This may be a case of church/state entanglement”), the response from most people will be, “You’re kidding, right?” If we suggest a different name (“Remember the Seven from 9/11″), people will say we’re being disrespectful to the firefighters’ memory.
There are arguments against having this sign, but the response to any of them is almost universal: What do you have against the firefighters who gave their lives for us? At that point, you’re going to lose the debate regardless of how right you are.
We’ll get attention for it if we say/do anything — we already have — but none of it will make us look good. It’s a far cry from billboard messages that might make readers feel uncomfortable but still make an important point.
According to the Friendly Atheist, there has not been a lawsuit filed and the NYC atheists are only considering filing a lawsuit.
So, to the NYC Atheists, this clip is for you:

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