From the LVRJ: Rep. Shelley Berkley said Wednesday she should have more fully disclosed that her husband's medical practice held a contract for kidney services at University Medical Center when she used her influence with federal authorities to help rescue the threatened program.
Berkley, D-Nev., said she thought it was well known that Dr. Larry Lehrner was involved with the Clark County public hospital but she would now take further actions to publicize the connection.
She said she saw at the time there could be a perceived conflict of interest but decided to act anyway. She insisted her actions on behalf of the kidney transplant program were motivated by its patients, and not her husband's business.
"This was a tough decision for me, whether or not I would weigh in," Berkley said. "I recognized that it may not look great but I would not have been able to live with myself" by not acting.
"What would I do differently? I thought everybody knew that Dr. Larry was a doctor. I have not exactly been shy about that," said Berkley, referring to her husband by his nickname. "I would make sure it was crystal clear and I would make sure I would work doubly hard to ensure that everybody I was talking to knew the situation. I thought they did."
I have two thoughts: First, Berkley is clearly entrenched in Washington D.C. Most people out side of Las Vegas don't know who Shelly Berkley is. Further, probably 98% don't know who her husband ss or what kind of work he does. Clearly, this shows how out of touch Berkley is.
On the hand, I just don't see any hint of scandal. Berkley's husband is the only kidney transplant doctor in the Valley and his services are needed and if the government or private insurance company pay him, who cares. It doesn't sound like he was overpaid compared to other transplant doctors in the country.
So, Berkley is out of touch and her husband deserves the money he gets for transplants. Kind of even things out.
Sunrise — 6:29.
2 hours ago
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