Chicago: America's deadliest city for murders?
From the Chicago Tribune:
On the surface, Nathaniel Jackson fit the profile of the vast majority of Chicago's homicide victims in 2012 — he had a lengthy arrest record and alleged gang ties.
But when Jackson was shot and killed Thursday night, just months after getting out of prison, he also earned the unfortunate distinction of being the 500th homicide victim in Chicago this year, a grim milestone the city reached for the first time in four years.
While Chicago had almost twice as many slayings 20 years ago as it did this year, the number 500 is a largely symbolic threshold, a reminder of the year's escalated violence and a numerical bar the city had not reached since 513 were killed in 2008.
By mid-November the city already had tallied the most homicides in four years. As of Friday, Chicago had an estimated 17 percent increase in homicides over 2011, and an 11 percent increase in shootings, according to police.
The city's rising homicide tally has been a thorny issue for Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police Superintendent Garry McCarthy for much of the year.
"It was a milestone on those days when we had zero murders and zero shootings. Those are milestones. This is a negative one, something that we never wanted," McCarthy told the Tribune Thursday afternoon, hours before Jackson, 40, was killed. "But in perspective, there's no such thing as an acceptable murder number. Even if we cut it down to 300 next year, it's still … unacceptable.",0,3765416.story
So, let's see what happened in 2012: Rahm Emmanuel took over as mayor of Chicago. Rahm Emmanuel is an Obamaite, in a city where President Obama lays claim to, unless, it is Hawaii, where he likes to vacation.
Obama, through his community organizing and Rahm Emmanuel helped shaped Chicago to become a 500 murder city. It is a city that is run by liberal Democrats and this is the city that Obama and Emmanuel would like other big cities to become. It also has some so the strictest gun control laws in the country.
Congratulations to Obama, Emmanuel and the liberal Democrats for reaching the 500 murder mark. I bet your are proud.
Shelly Wasserman's Hypocrisy
2 hours ago
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