Friday, November 15, 2013

Brett Favre Is Right

Offensive tackle Jonathan Martin reportedly had enough of his teammates' bullying and teasing. (AP)
320 pound lineman bullied?
From the New York Daily News: Brett Favre isn't taking a pass when it comes to talking about the NFL's latest scandal.
Favre, no stranger to bad headlines during his playing days, opened up about several topics causing the league headaches in an exclusive interview with the “Today Show’s” Matt Lauer which will air Monday.
"You gotta be kidding me," Favre said when asked about his initial reaction to BullyGate, the scandal currently embroiling the NFL of excessive hazing within the Miami Dolphins locker room.
Offensive lineman Jonathan Martin walked away from the Dolphins on Oct. 28 after reportedly being the victim of repeated bullying at the hands of Richie Incognito and other teammates during his 1 1/2 seasons in the NFL. Incognito has been suspended by the Dolphins as the NFL investigates the situation.
"Pro football - bullying?" Favre said. "We're playing - it's the - toughest sport, most violent, not to mention you're men - some older than others. So it's not like a little 12-year-old on the playground. And I'm not defending or condone - I'm - all I'm saying is my initial reaction was a grown man that's 320 pounds is getting bullied?"
Read more:
My guess is that Martin had been babyed in high school, college because he was a very good football player and when he got to the pro's, there was a new reality- he was just another football player with average talent.
You have to be mentally and physically tough to play in the NFL and Martin may have been physically tough, he certainly was not mentally tough.
And now he is the poster child for bullying and that is not a good thing.
A 320 pound line being bullied. 
What's next?
A pro wrestler afraid of being hit?
A hockey player afraid of a fight?
A baseball player crying if he is hit by a pitch?
A basketball player crying because he was hand checked?
A soccer player crying because he was tripped... oh wait that happens all the time. But then soccer isn't a real sport.
Martin just needs to realize he is not cut out to be a NFL player and there is nothing wrong with that.
Just don't bring down the whole sport and it's traditions of hazing.

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