Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why They Are The Best Of The Web

From the Best of the Web:
So what are Fournier's complaints about ObamaCare? For one, "the White House has politicized its signature policy." This criticism is right on target: "The win-at-all-cost mentality helped create a culture in which a partisan-line vote was deemed sufficient for passing transcendent legislation." But did Fournier just figure that out this week? The House's partisan vote for ObamaCare took place almost four years ago; the Senate's, more than four years ago.
Fournier goes on to criticize Obama for employing "a dishonest talking point" when "he knew, or should have known, it was false"; for a "website that didn't work" as a result of "an epidemic of incompetence that began in the Oval Office and ended with no accountability"; and for "fudging numbers and massaging facts to promote implementation," which he allows is "nothing illegal or even extraordinary for this era of spin."
"Finally," he writes, "there are the ACA rule changes":
Advocates for a strong executive branch, including me, have given the White House a pass on its rule-making authority, because implementing such a complicated law requires flexibility. But the law may be getting stretched to the point of breaking. Think of the ACA as a game of Jenga: Adjust one piece and the rest are affected; adjust too many and it falls.
If not illegal, the changes are fueling suspicion among Obama-loathing conservatives, and confusion among the rest of us. Even the law's most fervent supporters are frustrated.
So Fournier has gone from practicing "accountability journalism" to giving "the White House a pass." But be warned: He's so confused and frustrated that he could revoke the pass any day now.
There are really few people, other that Democrat elected officials, who defend ObamaCare and all the lies, fraud and law changes that President Obama is guilty of.
No one can really defend ObamaCare without lying.  Even Obama cannot make the argument that ObamaCare was good, as it passed by Congress.  He had to resort to lies and executive orders to help the law to continue.
ObamaCare has been a total disaster, with higher insurance costs rather than cuts in insurance costs, there are many more people uninsured from ObamaCare than those who have signed up and Obama illegally changing the law as he sees fit.
It really has been a:

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