The cash for clunkers program recently developed by the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration has been turning into a nightmare to the providers for the system, mainly, the car dealers.
The car dealers. after selling a new, fuel efficient car after getting a junked car in exchange, are getting screwed by the government. They are supposed to be paid within 10 days. The program has been in effect for about 3 weeks and few car dealers have been paid the amount that is due them. Some have been paid a little and some have not been paid at all.
Now, let's put this into the health care debate. The government promises payment for services in 10 days to the providers. The providers make a good faith effort to treat the patient. The government does not pay in a timely manner. What will the medical providers do.? Some will suck it up. Others will stop doing business with the government and in some cases, those that rely on government payments, may go out of business.
It would be nice if the government can show that it can operate a program as simple as cash for clunkers before they try and run a complex program that will actually have an effect on the lives of people.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
1 hour ago
Umnnnhhh...the JS story followed my post on the topic by 1 day.