The meth and crack addled mind of the writers of the Las Vegas Sun Editorial are at it again. Apparently, history, government and social studies classes were missed while the writers were out smoking crack or other illegal drugs.
Today, the Sun came out with a very stupid and strange editorial ripping Brian Sandoval for not bowing down to the Democrats in the legislature and let their education bill pass, even though there is no funding for the bills.
From the crack smoking editorial writers: The Democratic-controlled Legislature has passed significant legislation, including an education budget and a plan to redraw political districts, only to see the work vetoed by Gov. Brian Sandoval. The Republican governor has taken a hard-line position on the budget and taxes — his way or no way — and that could make for a long summer. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/may/20/blocking-budget/
Hey crack addicts, this is how government works. The legislature passes a law and the governor can veto that law and the legislatures can over ride the veto.
The governor’s stance could create a budget crisis, and Sandoval has tried to force lawmakers to agree to his plans. Dale Erquiaga, Sandoval’s senior adviser, said there wouldn’t be a special session called immediately if the Legislature hasn’t wrapped up business by June 6, saying it was the Legislature’s “responsibility” to complete the work, making it seem as if lawmakers are the problem. But it takes two to tango, and the governor has refused to engage in negotiations in any serious way.
Of course, the Democrats could see it Sandoval's way and stop the crisis and yes, some of the the lawmakers are the problem.
Unfortunately, Sandoval doesn’t seem to care. This really isn’t about budgets, it’s about policy. Republicans don’t want to waste the budget crisis to advance their agenda of gutting government.
Voters elected Sandoval to govern, and that requires considering what’s best for the state and working across the aisle to find solutions. If Sandoval doesn’t start governing soon, the consequences will be severe.
Voters elected Sandoval to govern, and that requires considering what’s best for the state and working across the aisle to find solutions. If Sandoval doesn’t start governing soon, the consequences will be severe.
The people who voted for Sandoval knew what his stance was when the voted for him. They knew his positions and Sandoval was very forthcoming about his stances on taxes. The people who voted for Sandoval did not vote for him to capitulate to the Democrats or to play games.
So, to the crack and meth smoking editorial writers along with the king pusher, Brian "The Coward" Greenspun, they really need to go back to second grade and learn how government works.
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