Minot, ND. is about to face it's worse flood in history. This winter, Minot went through one of it's coldest and snowiest winters ever. They had several blizzard warnings in Minot and throughout North Dakota, not to mention winter storm warnings I know. besides, minot has some of the coldest weather in the Country, with lows close to -40F in the winter. I used to live in Minot and follow their weather throughout the year.. I assume it was the same in Canada, north of Minot and North Dakota, but only colder.
Further, most of the country has been colder than usual, along with the waters of the Pacific Ocean.
But of course, this means nothing to liberal James Lein, who is a"community columnist" for the Minot Daily Times. Probably closely related to a community organizer, I suppose.
First this fool talks about the extra snow in the Rockies. That has nothing to do with the situation at hand as the water from Minot eventually ends up in the Missouri River while the water from the Rockies ends up in the Colorado River, where we actually need the water, especially in Lake Mead.
And of course, the obvious, if global warming was causing the snow to melt faster, wouldn't the floods happen in May instead of almost into July?
And of course, this dottering old fool apparently doesn't realize that the problem with the floods is upstream- they are releasing water at rates never seen before. No one has said that the Missouri River can't handle the water fom Minot once it reaches the Missouri.
From this fool's column: Major disasters such as floods can bring out the best in us: our help-thy-neighbor tendencies. But concern, worry, distress, loss and frustration also inevitably lead to finger pointing and blaming.
Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., has said that hard questions need to be asked of the Army Corps of Engineers for their handling or possible mishandling of the Missouri River situation.
If finger pointing is to be done, however, it should be all of us pointing at ourselves. We are all collectively to blame, except for those very few Americans who are off the grid and have not contributed to general warming conditions....
According to Greg Pederson of the Survey, the warming trend they found means that precipitation over the mountains is more often falling as rain instead of snow, and when it does fall as snow, it's melting more quickly...
In evaluating the current flooding, we need to factor in global warming. The evidence suggests that the "perfect storm" we are experiencing is not just Mother Nature's doing; we've all had a hand in creating it.
And it's not just Rockies' snow mass or polar icecaps that are melting faster than usual; it's also snowpack up north that feeds into rivers such as the Mouse.
Apparently facts don't get in the way of stupid opinion.
About 100 years ago in North Dakota, if Lein made such stupid comments, they would have hanged him from the highest tree.
Today, they give him an article in an newspaper where it's readers are about to be flooded out in a natural disaster.
"Catholic" or Ummmnnnhhh.....What?
4 hours ago
Mouse River NOT part of Missouri drainage