In Wisconsin, there seems to a soap opera every where you turn.
Today it was reported that two Supreme Court justices tangled inside a justice's office.
From jsonline: Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck in an argument in her chambers last week, according to at least three knowledgeable sources.
Details of the incident, investigated jointly by Wisconsin Public Radio and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, remain sketchy. The sources spoke on the condition that they not be named, citing a need to preserve professional relationships.
They say an argument that occurred before the court’s release of a decision upholding a bill to curtail the collective bargaining rights of public employees culminated in a physical altercation in the presence of other justices. Bradley purportedly asked Prosser to leave her office, whereupon Prosser grabbed Bradley by the neck with both hands.
Justice Prosser, contacted Friday afternoon by the Center, declined to comment: “I have nothing to say about it.” He repeated this statement after the particulars of the story — including the allegation that there was physical contact between him and Bradley — were described. He did not confirm or deny any part of the reconstructed account.
Apparently Justice Prosser has a temper on him: In a March interview Bradley said Prosser had flashes of extreme anger on and off over the years.
“It’s been going on for years off and on,” she said in March of Prosser’s outbursts.
After Prosser's outburst, Bradley sent an email to him and other justices saying the behavior was unacceptable. She said this March that from the time of her email until then there had been no incidents of similar magnitude.
And Bradley, along with Chief Justice Abrhamson can act like bitches at times: At the time, Prosser told the Journal Sentinel that the outburst to Abrahamson came after the chief justice took steps to undermine him politically and to embarrass him and other court conservatives.
"In the context of this, I said, 'You are a total bitch," Prosser said. "I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely . . . warranted. They (Abrahamson and Bradley) are masters at deliberately goading people into perhaps incautious statements. This is bullying and abuse of very, very long standing."
These justices have worked with each other for at least 10 years together and when you have 3 people who act like total jerks, things like this are going to happen.
Prosser was wrong to put his arms around Bradley's neck while Bradley is wrong by acting like a bitch. If you are going act like a bitch, don't be surprised if someone calls you on it.
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