Another NASCAR race and another very poor performance by TNT.
Apparently, TNT doesn't realize that there is a points race going on. Jimie Johnson spun, went two laps down. And oh by the way, he was second in points. Nothing mentioned about that. No mention about points the entire race. Apparently the dork announcers didn't think it was that important.
In the middle of the race, Dale Earnahrdt Jr., the most popular driver in NASCAR, had a poor pit stop and lost about 10 positions. Why did it happen? We'll never know because TNT never told us.
Going to a commercial with about 15 laps to go with fuel problems for most of the drivers? Stupid.
TNT goes to commercial and then they go back to racing and then local commercials come on. Stupid.
I could go on, but TNT has totally screwed up NASCAR racing and it is a shame. NASCAR ought to bring TNT into their hauler and give them an ultimatum- do a better job or give up on racing because right now, TNT can't even broadcast a kids go cart race at the Las Vegas Gran Prix (which is a pizza joint/fun park for those not living in Vegas)
"Oldest Ally" Betrayed Your Grandma
6 minutes ago
Thanks to Time Warner, I cannot get TNT on big dish (c-band) any more. Racebuddy is a joke.