From the LVRJ: To the applause of a crowd of 100 people, Congressional District 2 candidate Kirk Lippold on Wednesday called for the construction of two nuclear power plants at the Nevada National Security Site and the use of the Yucca Mountain site as the national center of nuclear fuel reprocessing.
During a 70-minute debate against state Sen. Greg Brower, R-Reno, and former state senator and former state GOP Chairman Mark Amodei, Lippold often stood out and attracted crowd attention. All three candidates espoused conservative positions, calling for approval of a federal deficit ceiling, the curtailment of illegal immigration, the end of federal grants to Planned Parenthood and less government regulation....
Lippold, a retired Navy commander with no previous political experience, made the most controversial statements when he brought up nuclear energy and Yucca Mountain, 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
In an interview after the debate, he said putting two nuclear plants on the site formerly known as the Nevada Test Site would "power Nevada and begin powering the Southwest."
He said he realized many Las Vegans won't like his position, but he has to consider the future of the entire state.
"I am not going to focus just on a small population in Las Vegas," Lippold said.
"We have a national security issue with our dependence on foreign oil," continued Lippold, who was the commander of the USS Cole when it was attacked by terrorists in Yemen in 2000. "Open Yucca Mountain. Develop a processing facility there."
Lippold, a graduate of Carson High School, said the Southern Nevada area could become the "nuclear center for excellence in the United States."
I think I found my favorite candidate in the District 2 House of Representatives. Lippold's ideas will put thousands of workers to work in good paying jobs.
For those nay sayers, just remember that Nevada used to explode atomic bombs above ground and we are still alive. And further, to the nay sayers, we already are taking low grade nuclear fuel for storage without any problems. If we have the technology and the space, we should exploit those advantages.
Good luck to Mr. Lippold.
"Oldest Ally" Betrayed Your Grandma
6 minutes ago
I also support it, and him as a candidate.
ReplyDeleteWait, wait, wait. You want to put nuclear power plants in the DESERT? You know they require lots and lots of water, right? I think this is a dumb idea. First, nuclear energy is the world's most expensive way to boil water. . .it's tremendously inefficient. Second, we now know that if there is a nuclear catastrophe, even JAPANESE scientists don't have a clue what to do about it. I think the desert is ideal for wind and solar, but nuclear? No.