What would you say if the floods in Minot, ND. were intentionally set so some evil right wing corporation would come in and buy up all the land on the cheap? Nah you would say, except for the most liberal person who hates the right wing any ways.
Well, it's not the right wing, but it is the gobvernment and/or George Soros.
Well, this story has popped up on noisynews.net: Two HUGE intel leads in my email box this morning from way-back contacts that I’ve had for years, that are actually somewhat connected concepts.
1. File this one under “Now It All Makes Sense”. A Missouri farming and ranching contact just got off a conference call wherein he was informed that the federal government is sending out letters to all of the flooded out farmers in the Missouri River flood plain and bottoms notifying them that the Army Corps of Engineers will offer to BUY THEIR LAND.
Intentionally flood massive acreage of highly productive farmground. Destroy people’s communities and homes. Catch them while they are desperate and afraid and then swoop in and buy the ground cheap. Those evil sons of bitches.
2. Speaking of evil sons of bitches, George Soros appears to be “investing” in farmground through the same puppet company that he used to get into the grain elevator and fertilizer business. The company is called Ospraie Capital Management and is buying up farmground in a joint venture with Teays River Investments as a partner.
So, who is letting the water out of the dams north of Minot? Army Corp of Engineers.
I hope it is not true, but those who live in and near Minot, watch out for people who want to buy your land and house cheaply. And don't be surprised if it is the government or George Soros.
h/t Dad 29
"Catholic" or Ummmnnnhhh.....What?
6 hours ago
ReplyDeleteThe Minot situation is not the same as the Missouri River situation; most of the water in Minot was released by Canadians.
OTOH, it COULD be an act of war!
Actually, the Congressman from North Dakota has also questioned the Army Corp about their water release as well.
ReplyDeleteWhile a lot of water was released by Canada, there is still a long way to go between Minot and the Canadian border and almost all of it is farm land ith a few nuclear missles thrown in. Seems like they could have spread the water out or let the resevoirs overflow- there would not have been as much damage to Minot.
Dan, if they let the water flow over the dams, the dams may collapse and even more water will be released, even more quickly. The federal government buys up property after a flood to prevent houses from being rebuilt in a flood-prone area and reduce the cost of property damage in future floods. It was done with a lot of farmland in Iowa back in 1993. If the tinfoil hat brigade can explain how George Soros is responsible for the record snowpack that is now melting and causing these floods, I will give their theories some consideration.