From TPM: The Bachmann campaign staff might want to double-check their Google searches. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who on Monday launched her presidential campaign in her original hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, appears to be just a bit confused about the town's history of favorite sons.
In an interview with Fox News, Bachmann boasted: "But what I want them to know, just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that's the kind of spirit that I have, too."
About that spirit of "John Wayne" in Waterloo...
In fact, the actor John Wayne (real name, Marion Morrison) was from Iowa, but not from Waterloo -- he was from Winterset, Iowa, about 120 miles away. But as it turns out, there was another "John Wayne" with some history in Waterloo: Serial killer John Wayne Gacy, known as the "Killer Clown," who raped and murdered over 30 young men before he was finally incarcerated and put to death.
Yes, my friends on the left will make fun of this, especially my friend Jamie. Have fun.
But the reality is that Bachman walks the walk. She has had 5 kids, has been a foster mom to 23 more kids, including teens who were pregnant. How many kids have Obama fostered or helped? Wait, he is still confused about ATM and bank teller jobs. And he doesn't speak unless it is by teleprompter.
Bachman can beat Obama but will she be able to beat the GOP hierarchy? Seriously, Bachman is the only conservative that has a chance of winning in the GOP field. The other main choice is Mitt Romney and his Romney Care and his green views. He is Obama lite.
So, Bachman will get ridiculed by the left because they are anti-woman, if the woman is a conservative and she will be ridiculed by the right because she is not in the GOP hierarchy. But right now, she is the conservative's best chance of getting into the White House.
But in honor of Michelle's gaffe in Waterloo, IA:
Actually, CJ Roberts.....
2 hours ago
Maybe it wasn't a gaffe? Maybe she DOES have the spirit of John Wayne Gacy? Do we know what happened to those 23 kids, DO we????
ReplyDeleteBut Dan, really. I'm not anti-Bachmann because she's a woman. I was torn between Obama and Hillary Clinton, basically flipping a coin. I'm anti-Bachmann because she's batshit crazy. Her entire reputation is built upon her gaffes and wacky quotes.
BTW, love the ABBA.
If Bachman is crazy, what does that make Obama?
ReplyDeleteObama did cocaine, Bachman, nope.
Bachman started a charter school for problem kids. Obama?
Obama goes to churches with racists. Bachman? Nope.
Obama has 2 nice kids. Bachman has 5 kids and fostered 23 more.
Bachman doesn't need a teleprompter. Obama is bat shit crazy without one.
Obama has an ok education but won't release his records.
Bachman has more certifications and degrees than Obama.
Bachman started a business. Obama was a community organizer.
Yeah, I like Bachman over Obama.
Bachmann went to loony low-rated schools: Pat Robertson's and Oral Roberts'! Right freakin there is a foundation of crazy. She was a tax lawyer for the IRS, and is now opposed to taxes, which is kind of crazy. She and her husband's clinic specializes in "pray away the gay" reparative therapy. THAT IS CRAZY...
ReplyDeleteBut even if she is just quirky. She lies a lot. A lot, lot. Politifact hall-of-famer "pants-on-fire" liar: