It's not very often when I will agree with environmentalists and animal rights group, but when it comes to the Bureau of Land Management and wild horses, I agree with the environmentalists on this issue.
The BLM wants to round up about 1700 horses in Eastern Nevada and put them in a corral until they can be adopted out or until they die, which is more often than not.
From the Reno Gazette Journal: A federal judge in Reno says he expects to decide within a day whether to grant an emergency injunction blocking a government roundup of 1,700 wild horses in eastern Nevada.
A lawyer for the Colorado-based Cloud Foundation told Judge Howard McKibben during an hour-long hearing Thursday that the planned roundup is illegal.
Rachel Fazio says the Bureau of Land Management has failed to prove that the mustangs are causing any ecological damage to the public rangeland, as is required by law before they can be removed. She says Congress made it clear they should be given priority over livestock in areas designated for their protection.
From As the BLM tells it, with no scientific proof, western rangelands can’t support the current number of horses and burros. They’d like us to believe they’re doing them a favor by running them down with helicopters, destroying herd dynamics and stockpiling the ones that don’t die during the roundup or transport into holding pens where they wait for death or what will most likely be a horrific end at a slaughterhouse.
Despite public outcry, they continued with the last roundup at the Calico Complex in Nevada, which ended in February and brought in 1,922 horses, killed at least 86 of them and caused 40 mares to abort their foals. Foals born in holding facilities aren’t even counted.
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If the BLM can do some round ups without causing deaths to the horses, I would say, go ahead and capture the mighty beasts. But the BLM cannot say that, so, some wild horses are going to die, even though if the government stayed out of their business, they would live.
BLM are just a bunch of horse killers.
Secret Service, BOLO for Skullcaps
1 hour ago
I hope they dont do this, who are we to make this decision, they are animals that deserve their freedom.