Saturday, July 2, 2011

Only In Government: I'm Tired, I'm Not Going Into Work

Air Traffic Controllers who are tired now can call in sick if they are too tired to work.
From the Reno Gazette Journal: The Federal Aviation Administration announced new steps Friday to help prevent air traffic controllers from falling asleep on the job, including allowing controllers to use sick or annual leave time if they are too tired to work.
Controllers will also now be allowed to listen to the radio and read to help stay alert during overnight shifts when traffic is light under an agreement between the FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.
However, the policy changes don’t include allowing controllers to take naps while on break or to schedule naps during overnight shifts even though sleep scientists say that’s the most effective way to refresh tired workers.
I would think that the rest of the real world like doctors, police officers, nurses, paramedics, teachers, construction workers, blackjack dealers should also be allowed to take time off if we are too tired, if we were to listen to the Obama administration.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? And to think that we, the taxpayers, are paying for air traffic controllers to take a day off to sleep in and then paying someone overtime to take the person's shift.
If they are too tired, the controllers should not come to work and if they are not ready to work, they should not be paid. If they do it too often, they should be disciplined up to being fired.
I agree with the other ideas- listening to the radio, music or reading- as long as they are not distracted. That is common sense. I also have no problem if they take a break and take a nap, as long as they are off the clock
But leave it to the Obama administration to get rid of personal responsibility for air traffic controllers.

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