Only in California. A pervert rapes an 8 year old girl, her father beats the crap out of the pervert and now the father is facing life in prison while the pervert only can get 2q2 years in prison.
From the San Francisco Examiner: A San Jose man is facing more prison time than the man he assaulted last year for molesting his stepdaughter, in a case that has stirred up quite a bit of controversy in the South Bay.
Miguel Cerda and his brother Erik are each facing charges of torture, mayhem, assault, and making criminal threats, which is the maximum number of felony charges possible. And Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen stands behind the decision to seek the harshest penalties.
“This is not the way we settle disputes in a civilized society,” Rosen told the San Jose Mercury News. “Certainly we understand the mitigating circumstances, but we can’t give somebody a pass for this.”
Avelino Rodriguez, who recently pleaded no contest to two felony counts of oral copulation or sexual penetration with a child under the age of 14, is facing 22 years in prison with a possible release after 19 years under the terms of a plea bargain. The Cerdas are facing life terms.
Prosecutors allege that the Cerdas drove Rodriguez to a remote ranch in Gilroy last November 26 where the assault occurred. Rodriguez suffered two black eyes and a broken jaw. He had some teeth knocked out and his body displayed signs that he had been whipped and possibly even burned with a cigarette, the Mercury News reports. Because they drove to another city to commit the reported assault, the incident can’t be considered to have occurred in the heat of the moment, Rosen says.
The DA is a moron who seems to care more about the rights of the rapist than the family. Only 22 years in prison for this pervert for the pervert. The thug will probably will still be fairly young when he gets out and in California, they are releasing prisoners left and right, so he probably won't even spend 19 years in prison.
The one good thing about this is when the thug pervert gets to prison and unless he is put in segregation, he will have done to him as he did to the little girl.
The DA in Santa Clara is just a joke and I guess justice in California is a joke as well.
7:10 to 7:24.
4 hours ago
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