Mitch McConnell is a RINO and an idiot. Right when there was promising results about decreasing spending in the Federal Government, McConnell comes up with this lame brain idea that will let President Obama raise the debt ceiling by himself.
From Michelle Malkin: GOP Leader McConnell proposes giving Obama new power for automatic debt limit increase.”
Here’s Rich Lowry: “It’s beginning to get out on the Hill. It’s complicated, but here is the gist as I understand it: Congress authorizes in legislation the president to submit a request for an increase in the debt limit in three tranches over the next year or so, with corresponding proposals for spending cuts; when the president submits his request, Congress immediately considers a resolution of disapproval; if the resolution passes, the president can veto it and–assuming his veto is subsequently upheld–he gets the increase in the debt limit. Got it? More later…”
In a nutshell, the President would get to raise the debt ceiling three times in the next year at several billion bucks a pop without making any spending cuts unless two-thirds of both houses of Congress disagree. In his press conference, McConnell says he would not give the President “unilateral authority to make spending cuts on his own,” but this plan would allow the President to raise the debt ceiling pretty much automatically.As the Politico notes,
Senate Republicans are actively pursuing a new plan under which the debt ceiling would grow in three increments over the remainder of this Congress unless lawmakers approve a veto-proof resolution of disapproval.
In effect lawmakers would be surrendering the very power of approval that the GOP has used to force the debt crisis now. But by taking the disapproval route, Republicans can shift the onus more onto the White House and Democrats since a two-thirds majority will be needed to stop any increase that President Barack Obama requests.
Yes, instead of putting the burden on the White House, McConnell would make it damn near impossible to block a debt ceiling increase. We’ve seen this before. The House once had the Gephardt rule that required the debt ceiling vote be attached to a more popular measure so members of Congress could escape a tough vote.
Consequently, the debt ceiling has gone up to $14 trillion without Congress ever having to make a tough choice about debt.
And now Mitch McConnell wants to make it even easier by allowing Congress to go through a dog and pony show of feigned cuts that never get cut while allowing escalation of our national debt. So much for accusing Barack Obama of smoke and mirrors.
This is about as stupid as stupid can get. It gives Obama a chance to raise the debt ceiling by himself. The GOP was threatening to impeach Obama if tried to do this just last week and now they want to let him do it with no oversight? You have to be kidding, you bunch of RINO's.
I just hope McConnell was doing an imitation of the Hangover movie. Say something stupid and then forgot you said it because you were drugged and hungover.
Otherwise, McConnell needs to leave the Senate and get a competent person in there.
Random Riddle: Whispered in Heaven
1 hour ago
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