From Politico: Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on Friday said the American people
“have flat-out been lied to” by President Barack Obama and his
administration about the violence in Libya — and this cover-up is worse
than Richard Nixon’s scandal because “nobody died in Watergate.”
“Let’s just get blunt. No way to sugar coat this — We’ve been lied
to. We have flat-out been lied to. They know they’ve lied,” Huckabee
told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.” “It’s as if airplanes crashing
into the World Trade Center and somebody says, ‘those were just
accidents. The planes veered off course.’ Everybody with two eyes and IQ
above plant life understands that what happened in Egypt and what
happened in Libya was not some spontaneous reaction to a stupid
13-minute video on YouTube. It was a planned, coordinated, orchestrated
attack led by terrorists.”
Huckabee, who hosts “Huckabee” on Fox and the radio program “The Mike
Huckabee Show,” then likened the Libya situation to Watergate.
“Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because
he covered some stuff up. I’m going to be blunt and tell you this —
nobody died in Watergate,” Huckabee said. “We have some people who are
dead because of this. There are some questions to be answered and
Americans ought to demand to get answers and it doesn’t matter what the
politics are.”
Co-host Bill Hemmer later followed-up, asking, “You’re comparing the events of today to Watergate?
“I sure am,” Huckabee said.
“This White House has been discredited and its credibility, certainly
the promises of transparency have been completely decimated by their
actions,” Huckabee added.
“It’s very strong language, but I know you’ve thought about this,” Hemmer replied.
Huckabee stood by his comments later Friday, telling listeners of his
radio show that he gave a “very honest answer.” He also brought up Bill
Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal and his denial of the affair to
Without a doubt, the Obama administration has lied about what really happened with the death of the Libyan ambassador and 2 security men and we still don't have the truth.
It was clear within a day that this was a terrorist attack that was planned but the Obama administration still stuck to the story that some stupid movie trailer on the Internet was the cause of Muslim violence in the Mideast and other places. In fact, they still seem to think the movie trailer had something to do with the Libyan deaths and other acts of violence.
Is this cover up as as bad as Watergate? Of course it is because an ambassador died. Will anything be done about it? Of course not because Obama is the Teflon god. Nothing sticks to him, just like the death of a police officer in Fast and Furious has been overlooked by the media, this Libyan assassination of the Libyan and the cover up will be ignored by the Obama media lap dogs.
The REAL Screaming Coming Soon
58 minutes ago
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