From ESPN: Texas Rangers slugger Josh Hamilton is back in the lineup Monday against the Oakland Athletics after missing the last five games due to blurred vision and balance issues.
Rangers officials said that Hamilton saw an optometrist and was
diagnosed with ocular keratitis, a drying of the cornea caused by too
much caffeine and energy drinks.
Hamilton, who will play center
field and bat third Monday, said he was "fixated" on one spot with his
eyes, and it was as if he couldn't stop staring. He said is started
bothering him last Saturday in Arlington before things got worse.
me we're talking about here," Hamilton told reporters prior to Monday's
game. "Guys, it's me -- it's Josh. It's going to be something weird."...
Hamilton, 31, said he plans to back off the caffeine, which included
chocolate after games and an energy drink before games -- not to mention
what he was consuming all day long.
"I was loading up on
caffeine, and I'm out there in the bright lights," Hamilton said. "I
can't control my eyes. They are stuck."
Hamilton left in the middle of last Tuesday's loss to the Los Angeles Angels in Anaheim after telling manager Ron Washington he was having trouble seeing.
The Nannies of the Nation, look out, there is a new law for you too pursue: Driving under the influence of caffeine.
The lake and the marsh.
5 hours ago
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