The Washington Examiner has done something no other member of the media has done in the past 5-6 years- they have vetted President Obama, as best they could.
Some tidbits: First lady Michelle Obama told the Democratic
National Convention that "Barack and I were both raised by families who
didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions."
It is a claim the president has repeated in his books, on
the speech-making circuit and in countless media interviews. By his
account, he grew up in a broken home with a single mom, struggled for
years as a child in an impoverished Third World country and then was
raised by his grandparents in difficult circumstances....
In Indonesia, the family's circumstances improved dramatically.
According to Obama in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," Lolo's
brother-in-law was "making millions as a high official in the national
oil company." It was through this brother-in-law that Obama's stepfather
got a coveted job as a government relations officer with the Union Oil
In 1971, his mother sent young Obama back to Hawaii, where his
grandmother, Madelyn, known as Toots, would become one of the first
female vice presidents of a Honolulu bank. His grandfather was in sales.
Obama's grandparents moved the same year into Punahou Circle Apartments,
a sleek new 10-story apartment building just five blocks from the
private Punahou School, which Obama would attend from 1971 to 1979.
And this: Time magazine gushed in 2008 about Barack Obama's
12-year tenure as a law lecturer at the University of Chicago Law
School, saying, "Within a few years, he had become a rock-star professor
with hordes of devoted students."...
n 1999, only 23 percent of the students said they would repeat Obama's
racism class. He was the third-lowest-ranked lecturer at the law school
that year. And in 2003, only a third of the student evaluators
recommended his classes.
His classes were small. A spring 1994 class attracted 14 out of a
student body of 600; a spring 1996 class drew 13. In 1997, he had the
largest class of his tenure with 49 students. But by then, his student
rating had fallen to 7.75. Twenty-two of 40 faculty members ranked
higher than Obama.
Some former faculty colleagues today describe Obama as disengaged, doing
only what was minimally required and almost never participating in
faculty activities.
And, unlike others on the Chicago Law School faculty who published
numerous articles in legal journals, Obama's byline did not appear in a
single legal journal while he taught there.
This is just a couple of things and I'll write more about some other things the Examiner has found. But if you have the time, take a look at the series the Washington Examiner has written- it's eye opening to see the real Obama.
Musk to Sen. Kelly: "STFU, Traitor"
26 minutes ago
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