Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward is the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times and I have commented on him and his paper many times over the past couple of years. I always thought he was a crackpot and lunatic besides being unprofessional and unethical and who has no business running a newspaper, but for some reason, the people at Stephens Media think otherwise, but hopefully not for long.
Well, Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward is a blathering liberal idiot who is stuck in Pahrump and Nye County, Nevada and he hates it. Pahrump and Nye County are to liberals as Berkley CA. and Marin County CA. are to conservatives. Pahrump and Nye County is probably the most conservative area in the State, if not the Country and Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward hates it, especially when he cannot convince people to understand his point of view. So now, Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward is just out to piss off people with his irrational thoughts and rambling incoherent writings.
From the the PVT and From Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward: I wanted to start this column off thusly: “Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney is
shaking up to become the Jerry Sandusky of American presidential
politics — his private thoughts (read true feelings), shared with a
coterie of $50,000-a-plate donors in May, that he could do nothing as
president for the 47 percent of us slimeballs who don’t pay income taxes
amounts to committing sodomy on the American spirit.
“And the irony is sodomy is illegal in most red states.”
After careful thought, perhaps much more careful than the Republican
Party’s choice to lead the country, or the repugnant words he dared
utter, I’ve decided to forego excoriating Willard for the moment — seems
most of the national and international press has beat me to it anyway.
Instead, I will focus on the people he was speaking to in the first
place — those true American patriots who can afford to shell out $50,000
for some face time with the candidate.
Why not focus on Romney?
Well, because Romney has already lost this election in my opinion (the
future of America now rests with the various Senate races). Also, why be
inhospitable when the man is right here in Southern Nevada today — face
time with the big Mitt a discounted $25,000. Thanks for the coupon big
Well, Matt "Jerry Sandsuky" Ward, seems that you have selective memory as President Obama has been to Las Vegas for campaign cash how many times now? About 7 times or more? Kind of forgot that, did you?
And I am sorry you are such a poor editor and make so little money that you don't pay income taxes. Sucks to be you, with all your vast amount of intelligence.
The people who can afford to pay the $25,000 are the same as those from
May — the recession proof rich who seek to minimize the needs of the
majority of people in this country so that they can continue to gobble
up as much material wealth as humanly possible before us slaves revolt
and shut America down for good, at least the America where banks get
bailed out (and no one goes to prison), where interest rates are rigged,
where grandma’s house is accidentally foreclosed upon, where heart
attacks lead to bankruptcies, where college tuition costs more than your
home and where if you are middle or working class, you deserve not the
slightest attention from the GOP candidate for president because your
poverty is obviously a symptom of deep-rooted sloth on your part anyway.
I think, Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward, I'll call your bosses and complain to them for you that you are just a slave to them. Oh, by the way, aren't advertisers to newspapers usually some rich guys who want people to buy their products so they can become richer but also create these slave jobs you hate? I'd complain to your advertisers, but guess what, I can only find 1 advertiser on your web site. No wonder you are just a bitter idiot, no one wants to pay money to your newspaper web site because it sucks with editorials like this and news stories where the writers are biased and unprofessional.
I contend, the rich can scarcely count themselves Americans anymore. And
electing Romney would be akin to electing a Moroccan or an Australian
or a Japanese businessman to be our president — something our
constitution absolutely forbids.
But it’s true, as much birther hay
was made out of the current president’s Muslim name and supposed Kenyan
birth, it’s Willard who is the foreigner in this race.
What were smoking, Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward when you wrote this? The dealer give you some bad smokes?
All I can say about this "editorial" is just refer to Sgt. Hulka in Stripes
Student Visa: A Privilege, Not A Right
21 minutes ago
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