Tuesday, December 4, 2012


From the San Fran Chronicle:
NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft, now 122 times the distance between the Earth and the sun away from home, has entered unknown space at the solar system’s edge.
Scientists have characterized this unexpected region of space as a “magnetic highway” for charged particles, where there are both particles from the sun as well as cosmic particles from outside the solar system.
During the last couple of months scientists have seen several characteristic signs that the spacecraft had reached the edge of the solar system, and perhaps even exited it. Most notably they saw a rise in cosmic ray particles (from outside the solar system) and a decrease in protons originating from the sun.  http://blog.sfgate.com/science/2012/12/03/voyager-finds-unknown-region-at-the-solar-system%E2%80%99s-edge/

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