Monday, December 3, 2012

Crap: Old People Germs

 Ugly germs
As a teacher, it took me several years to become immune to kid germs.  It seems, at the beginning of each school year, i would get a cold within a week of the first day of school because I would be around 2000 kids and adults.
Now that I started at Wal-Mart, it took me 2 whole days to a cold.  Probably handling all the dirty money and being around adults with different kinds of germs and illnesses.


  1. I used to work as a cashier so here are some tips:

    First, make sure when handling money, that you don't touch your eyes or nose or mouth until you have washed both hands thoroughly. After washing hands, don't touch the tap or paper towel dispenser - you'll reinfect yourself. Dispense the paper towel in advance and use it after drying your hands to turn off tap and open the door of restroom.

    Have bottles of hand sanitizer handy - especially if you shake hands with someone but can't get to the sink to wash up.

    Use Clorox bleach wipes and go over your register and general area. The buttons are filthy, and just about any other area you touch is as well! Do it before starting your shift or during a lull.

    Don't be afraid to invest in "Airbourne". I use the stuff even now if I feel "off" and it works quite well.

    Failing that, and you feel ill, get two days in a row of rest. Do as little as possible and use crushed garlic (with a water chaser). I've found taking a crushed head of garlic 1-2 times a day to help beat an infection.

    I also recomend rinsing your nose at least once a day (at night) with salt water (2 cups lukewarm water with 1 Tbsp Sea Salt and a pinch of baking soda). Use a bulb syringe and use one cup of water for each nostril. Have a towel handy and when finished, gently blow your nose with a tissue if there is anything still up there. This is also handly for allergy season as it washes out the allergens. There are prepared nasal rinse
    kits in stores but you save money using the homemade version.

    Keep tissues handy if you need them. I recommend Puffs Plus. Use them if you feel a nose itch or feel the need to rub your eyes.

    If somebody sneezes on you, duck and cover then chastize them for poor manners!

  2. Thanks Dog- I've violated a couple of rules right off the bat. Good ideas.
