Saturday, May 25, 2013

Scandal: Obama Doesn't Salute Marine

Moments Before Marine Shipped Off To Afghanistan For Talking To Obama
Now we know Obama hates the military- he refused to salute a Marine when the Marine saluted Obama in the rain.
Knowing he mad a mistake, Obama went back and talked to the Marine, against protocol.  Now the Marine will be kicked off Obama duty and go to the front lines of Afghanistan where he has to take on the Taliban and Al'Qeda by himself, all because Obama engaged the NCO in conversation, against the rules of engagement.
Damn that Obama, always in scandal.


  1. I hope you're being a bit tongue-in-cheek here, and not really outraged by a minor mistake. Clearly, the President didn't "refuse" to salute the Marine, he forgot to. And he felt remiss enough to address the issue. This isn't a scandal, really, is it?

  2. Sarcasm, Jamie, Sarcasm.
    It was big enough to make the news, though.
