From the Las Vegas Sun: A landlord has sued the Democratic Party of Nevada, claiming it failed to pay thousands of dollars in rent for Las Vegas office space it formerly leased.
Timothy and Carol Antoku of Honolulu filed suit Wednesday in Clark County District Court against the party...The Antokus assert that in January, the defendant agreed to pay past-due rent in monthly installments and have the balance paid off by April -- but has failed to do so.
The lawsuit says the past-due balance is $18,281. The Antokus are seeking more than $30,000 in damages for breach of contract and other claims.
Who knows, maybe the Dem's think they are entitled to free rent. Maybe they are just lazy in paying their bills. Maybe they are broke. But what it comes down to is the Democratic Party of Nevada is irresponsible. The Democrats of Nevada are the same ones who are pushing health care reform. If they cannot even meet their finacial obligations, how can we trust them with health care or running the government?
Random Riddle: Hold Me
3 hours ago
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