Brian Greenspun, editor of the Las Vegas Sun goes off unhinged about how Harry Reid (Dumbass-NV) had said that he hoped that the Las Vegas Review-Journal would go out of business because of Harry doesn't like the conservative paper. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/sep/06/when-r-j-unfairly-strikes-harry-reid-it-hits-nevad/
The Las Vegas Sun is a typical rag newspaper. Their "news" articles that are printed in the delivered newspaper, are actually editorials mixed into an actual news stories. They cannot even handle newspaper delivery and like most liberals, have to depend on conservatives to get the job done. The Sun is delivered with the R-J.
I will say this for the Sun, though, when it comes to breaking news in Vegas, their web site is the best in the Valley. Their written paper however is best used for the bottom of a cat's litter box.
It is not in dispute Reid said he wanted the R-J to go out of business. It also be noted that Harry has personally destroyed several businesses in the State this year. He has killed Yucca Mountain project, the nuclear power waste depository and a power plant in Ely which would have cost over a billion dollars to construct and had 200 full time jobs associated with it. So, when Harry says he wants a business to close it's doors, he is serious.
Greenspun opines "It may have been a bit backhanded while his tongue was firmly planted in his cheek, but Sen. Reid’s words were honorable and fully American."
It's fully American to have a business to close? Total foolishness.
He believes that he runs the most powerful newspaper in the state and that he can bully politicians, businesspeople and anyone else who doesn’t toe the ultra-right-wing line drawn by the owners of that newspaper and enforced by Sherm
Well, the R-J is the most powerful newspaper in the State. Unlike the Sun who has very little clout. I guess exercising free speech is now called bullying. More idiocy.
I know it is sport at the R-J and in some selfish corners of the Nevada political landscape to denigrate and diminish all that Sen. Reid has done and continues to do for ordinary Nevadans. Let's see, as mentioned above, Harry has cost Nevada jobs, our unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation, illegal immigration is a major problem and Harry has been a disgrace as a Nevadan because of his partianship.
I suggest, however, that those who just fell for Sherm’s latest ruse turn, instead, to the Las Vegas Sun for credible information and insights. HAHAHAHA. Maybe if the Sun would stop sponging off the R-J, they would have some creditability.
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