Juarez is a city in northern Mexico, right across from El Paso TX. What that city has gone through has been unimaginable for the past several years.
So far, this year, there have been over 3000 murders in the city. Think about it: 3000 murders in a supposed civilized city that is just over the border from the U.S. Many more have been shot. Some people have been treated in El Paso, even though they are not citizens of the U.S. What they do is drop off the victims at the border crossing and hope the victims are taken to the U.S. hospital. Sometimes it works, other times, it does not. The military has basically taken over the city with about 3000 troops patrolling the city.
I have visited the city 1 time in my life. The poverty is tremendous. In the U.S., if you live high on the mountain, that means you have money. In Juarez, it means you are dirt poor. If you live high in the hills, you don't have running water and you have to have water trucked in. Even the "rich" areas of town look like very middle class of cities in the U.S.
Juarez has several large U.S. factories, employing several thousand people, but some of them have closed or laid off people. Their public transportation uses buses from the 1960s.
The drug trade employs thousands and it is a brutal business. This story in the El Paso Times sums up the brutality: http://www.elpasotimes.com/juarez/ci_13423893
The reason why i bring this up is that Juare is not just some far away place. It is right across the Rio Grande and El Paso. El Paso and other surrounding areas are suffering from the effects of what is going on in Juarez and other Mexican cities. While this is mostly a Mexican problem, it still effects the U.S.
Living in Las Vegas, I see the problems daily. Whether it is crime or illegals sucking off the welfare, educational and medical systems, we do have problems with illegal immigrants.
I have sympathy for those are illegal and living here. Their living conditions in Mexico are horrendous- poverty, crime and lack of education and opportunity.
On the other hand, those who come here illegally cannot be committing crimes, go on welfare or abuse the health care system. If you come here and commit crimes, go on welfare or abuse the health care system, you are not welcome here and you need to go back, whether voluntarily or by deportation. If you have children here and they are citizens here, you have a decision to make- bring the kids or leave them with friends or relatives.
Our governments are strapped for money and illegal immigrants are helping the situation. They can help by not committing crimes, going on welfare or abusing the health care system.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
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