I realize, i am very naive. I admit this. So, when I read this article from The Radio Equalizer, I just had to wonder what "gay radio" or "gay music" format is?
"Can San Francisco successfully compel a radio station to resurrect their failed "gay" music format?" "Utilizing the same mob-rule tactics that have come to define "progressive" activism in the Bay Area, San Francisco politicians are "encouraging" the new owner of KNGY-FM, known as "Energy 92" to bring back the full-time gay programming it featured until earlier this month. In a national political environment where a crackdown on political talk programming still looms, the outcome of this battle could prove telling."
So, what is the gay music format? Show tunes? Disco? Gloria Gaynor? Cher?
Like I said before, I am just naive.
Random Riddle: Hold Me
3 hours ago
Ya got me. I suspect that the station failed because most of San Francisco's gay folks listen to the same radio stations that straight folks do (some like country, some like hip hop, some like classic rock). I also suspect that it is a handful of aging gay activists who are clinging to their ghetto-izing gay radio station. In Madison, there are very few "gay" bars, and the ones there are also draw a fair number of straight folks. Most of the younger gay folks here don't feel the need to self-segregate. I'm betting it's the same in San Francisco.