Sunday, April 4, 2010

Brian Greenspun Makes An Ass Of Himself Once Again

Brian Greeenspun, the jackass editor of the very liberal Las Vegas Sun makes a total ass of himself once again in of his mindless editorials. Again, Greenspun is a extreme liberal, who depends on conservatives to deliver his newspaper. Just like in real life, conservatives doing the heavy work for liberals.
In his latest rant, he says that there is anger within the Tea Party movement.
From the editorial: "I didn’t see much love of fellow men in Searchlight last week. I heard a lot of hate, though." Does he mean the pro-Reid crowd who showered the Tea Party Express bus with eggs and swear words?
"There are people everywhere who don’t carry their own weight." Start with your own newspaper (see above) The conservative Las Vegas Review Journal distributes the Sun paper.
"Do the folks who have claimed the Tea Party as their express ride to better government really believe they are more patriotic than the thousands of people who show up every day to work for the government — local, state and national — on their behalf?" Most tea party people don't begrudge most government services, but the government is bloated, wastes money, have regulations that strangle everyone, especially the small business person. They want the basic services, not services for illegals, not services for people who abuse the system and they are against wasteful government services.
"I don’t see the protesters and naysayers taking oaths of office, government salaries and citizen ridicule to work on behalf of their fellow citizens. All I hear are anger-laden complaints." Then you are not looking very close. Truth is that there police officers, teachers, firefighters, black and white and Hispanic people in the movement. But then maybe, Mr. Greenspun, you are blind or you are ignorant.
"I know it is every citizen’s right to complain, and I have done my share over the years. But mine has never been filled with hate. " Except for this article, I suppose.
"And I don’t believe I have a corner on the truth. And, for certain, I am careful about what I choose to believe of what comes over the Internet — a medium filled with junk that is designed to inflame our passions, play with our emotions and lead us down the path of falsity and away from truth." Does this explains why your paper is primarily done over the Internet?
"But, I am concerned about those who hear the truth — that jobs are starting to come back, that the economy is beginning to rebound ever so slightly and that major financial disaster was averted last year — and refuse to believe it, choosing instead to see socialists, communists and anti-American sleepers under every bed. We have been there and done that — 60 years ago it almost destroyed this nation." Jobs are starting to come back? Tell that to 13+% unemployed in the Las Vegas Valley. It also has been argued that the financial crisis would have been better off if the government did not intervene. The economy is not rebounding. Food and gas prices are rising. That is not helping the people who need the help the most. And yes, we do see socialists and communists in government. President Obama has nationalized several businesses and wants more. The federal government now control 48% of the economy. That's socialism.
"Somehow, though, we have allowed our fear to consume us to the extent that we can no longer see the difference between what is real and what is not and what is fact and what is fiction. And that fear has turned to anger in many cases and frustration in most." And you, Mr. Greenspun, do you know what is real or not real? Based on your papers positions, I suggest you really have no clue what you are talking about.
"But I am also saddened that so many people felt so aggrieved that they had to drive their campers, trucks, cars and buses to a place that most people need go to only once to realize they don’t want to go there again. With apologies to our good senator, Harry Reid." Wow, what a insult to the people of Searchlight. Mr. Greenspun, what a pathetic moron you are.
Finally, Greenspun ends his drooling rant by writing this: "On this Easter, ask yourselves, “What would Jesus do? How would Jesus act? Who would Jesus blame?” Happy Easter."
Well, the easy comeback would be that Greenspun, as a Jewish person, doesn't believe in Christ, so he would be in no position to state what Jesus would say or do. But I will admit I don't know what Jesus would say, do or blame. That's not my business to say. But I am willing to bet that he would be against the hatred of the left, those who throw eggs at buses, those who threaten people with violence, those who lie, those who approve of abortion and those who use their faith to gain a political advantage like Harry Reid does. He would also like fairness, like allowing comments on Greenspun's editorial, which he doesn't allow but allow comments on people who just some quiet in their lives.
So, Mr. Greenspun, you can crawl back into your little hole in the ground and think up your next gushing story for Harry and Rory. Meanwhile, the anger the tea party will continue and there is nothing you can do about it.
To get a clear view of Greenspun hatred of the tea party, just look at the Sun's link.

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