The Las Vegas Sun is a very liberal newspaper and it's columnists are extremely liberal, especially Patrick Coolican who is about an extremist liberal as they come.
The Las Vegas Sun holds conservatives to different and higher standards than Democrats, or at least the past several years. However, in the 2010 elections, while giving Coward Harry Reid a complete pass, they also turned on the ethically challenged Dina Titus and she lost her seat in the U.S. House.
Now, two days this week, both Jon Ralston and Coolican have turned on Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, who is running in the 3rd House district against Joe Heck.
Today, Coolican wrote: Hugh Jackson sent me a funny note after he and his co-host,
Elizabeth Crum, interviewed Assembly Speaker John Oceguera on their
KSNV Channel 3 TV show, “The Agenda.”
“Nov. 7: Mining lobbyist John Oceguera.”
The joke is that following two TV interviews this week, Oceguera’s campaign for Congress against Republican Rep. Joe Heck
is all but finished. So, with his political career done, Oceguera will
take his rightful place among the influence peddlers of Carson City,
making half-truth arguments to clueless legislators on behalf of monied
The gold mining industry will throw him a bone, as will the trial
lawyers following his long defense of their hefty hourly fees in
construction defect cases. If he’s really saving up for a San Diego
vacation home, maybe he’ll slum it and sign up the payday lenders or a
towing company. And, following his golden ladder retirement from the North Las Vegas Fire Department, Oceguera will probably do some pro bono work for the firefighters union.
About those TV interviews, which have become instantly infamous:
Oceguera first appeared on “Face to Face With Jon Ralston”
and refused to take a position on any of the important federal issues,
including the foreclosure crisis, Obamacare or the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus.
Instead, he stuck to rote talking points
spat out of some dim robot at the headquarters of the Democratic
National Committee. Worst of all, he couldn’t even deliver them
properly. They were so derivative he sounded like a guy on a karaoke
machine doing an impression of a guy on a karaoke machine singing a
song by a Bon Jovi cover band.
And Coolican finishes with this:
I get the sense that Oceguera believed his success in Carson City
meant he could slide right into this federal race and give the
equivalent of CliffsNotes answers. (Um, Ahab, is, like, a tragic hero.)
What he should have realized is that success in Carson City signifies nothing, other than perhaps a character defect.
In obvious damage control mode Wednesday, Oceguera sent out an email with the subject line, “What I stand for.”
He should have answered: “Wealthy lobbying clients.”
Or just left it blank.
Ouch, Oceguera just got bitch slapped by Coolican.
So, two liberals media goons going after Oceguera in two consecutive days means 1 of 3 things: Ralston and Coolican have fallen in love with Joe Heck. I highly doubt that. Oceguera has something is his closet so bad that even the liberals cannot defend him. That's possible, especially the way he robbed the bank, so to speak when retired from the North Las Vegas fire department, but even that won't make these two liberals carpet bomb Oceguera, so if this is the case, it must be really bad. Finally, it is possible that there is another candidate who wants to get into the race but they don't want to have a primary. If this is true, this person must have the blessing of Coward Harry Reid and Reid is telling Ralston and Coolican to attack Oceguera in an attempt to get him out of the race. Sound crazy? Not if you have read articles from Ralston and Coolican when they have written about Reid and especially true with Ralston.
So, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. But it is quite clear that Oceguera has pissed someone off over at the Las Vegas Sun and it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
"Catholic" or Ummmnnnhhh.....What?
2 hours ago
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