From ABC News: A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon
Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News
found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his
nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and
a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an
alleged altercation.
Zimmerman faces a second degree murder charge for the Feb. 26
shooting that left the unarmed 17-year-old high school junior dead.
Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and
death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in
the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement....
The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip
and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his
head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch
long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News
last month.
I think Zimmerman could have handled things better that night, along with Trayvon Martin, but once you start injuring someone so badly in a fight that you break a guy's nose, all bets are off and it's a fight to the finish, or in this case, to the death.
But this case will be politicized, especially those on the left because they have already invested a great deal of political capital already, so they really cannot back down without looking like fools.
Because Obama and Eric Holder have already committed themselves to Martin's sides, they do anything to get a conviction, even if it is not justified.
This case reminds me of the case in Pahrump that is ongoing in the court system. You had a daughter of a man thrown in jail for domestic violence. She calls her young boyfriend to go to her and her dad's house to get clothes and her car. The father says to the boy that the boy should not come to the dad's house and they communicate this through Facebook and the idiot kid still went to the house, totally uninvited.. It was made quite clear that the boy should never have gone to the dad's house, but the boy went to the dad's house and then refused to leave, even after the father fired a gun shot at the kid's car. After the warnings, the father went to the kid's car and shot the kid to death.
Like Martin, the kid was head strong and didn't want to listen to other people and because both Martin and the boyfriend decided to fight it out, they are both now dead, with both adults facing murder charges.
So, it will be interesting to see how this plays out, but in the end, you have 4 families that are ruined- Martin and Zoimmerman and the father and the boyfriend and all over stupid reasons.
A History Lesson
5 hours ago
Regardless of the media free-for-all (without which there wouldn't even have been an investigation), there is a dangerous precident if Zimmerman is acquitted. It would be this: if you have a gun, you win. "Stand your ground" apparently only applies to someone with a gun. That kid apparently wasn't doing anything wrong at the time, wasn't causing a problem. He was followed by a strange man first by car, then on foot. He "stood his ground," and when he was winning the fight, he was shot. Sorry, Dan, I don't care how badly Zimmerman was getting his ass kicked, it does not justify murder.
ReplyDeleteSo, Jamie, if you are getting you ass beat in a fight, are you just going to take it and say oh well? How do you know Martin was going to stop beating the crap out of you? Are you going to take the chance that he would stop or are you willing to accept death if you choose wrong?
DeleteWhat I'm saying, Dan, is that it sounds likely that Martin was justified in wailing on Zimmerman. Also, Zimmerman had no reason to be doing neighborhood watch with a gun, nor in following a kid when advised by the cops that they didn't need him to do that. It's amazing to me that the right has turned that kid into a "thug" when we know he was unarmed, we know he was getting treats for his brother. He wasn't up to anything! And NO, I don't think you get to kill somebody because you picked the wrong fight!
ReplyDeleteIf Zimmerman had killed Martin by stomping his head or breaking his back, he'd be in jail. But since he had a gun he gets a "get out of jail free" card? I don't get it.
I'm not saying Zimmerman handled the situation correctly but he also wasn't breaking the law. et's say Martin didn't touch Zimmerman, then the cops probably would have cited Zimmerman for something.but he didn't wait either. Now, it turns out that Martin was high on pot.
DeleteI still don't think we have all the details yet, but right now, I think Zimmerman will be found not guilty of a crime but guilty of stupidty.
No, we don't know that he was high, we know he had pot in his system. That would be one tidbit of info that has just about zero relevance though. I've never known anybody who gets violent because of pot. Quite the opposite in fact. And I'll bet you if you took a random sampling of kids his age. . .you'd find pot in half of them.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still think this is manslaughter. Say Zimmerman--instead of a gun--had had taken Martin's iced tea bottle, broke it and stabbed him with it. Would that be a crime? How about if he'd smothered him? Broke his neck? Would that be a crime? Many people have been jailed for accidentally killing someone. Zimmerman didn't accidentally kill Martin, he did it on purpose. If it had been with something other than a gun, would you see this the same way?
I don't see how he can claim self defense when HE was the pursuer. That's OFFENSE, not DEFENSE.