Norm, from the LVRJ, gives the Gold and Silver Shop (home of the Pawn stars) response to a lawsuit in which a 62 year old disabled veteran was literally thrown out the shop's front door.
From Norm and the LVRJ: Corey "Big Hoss" Harrison is defending his "Pawn Stars" staff after
a lawsuit by a 62-year-old disabled veteran who claims he was roughed
Harrison, 27, said he was speaking out because a number of
wild media reports blamed his father, Rick, and his 71-year-old
grandfather, Richard, "like they did some kind of tag team on this guy."
"They were never in the room with him," he said.
vet Daniel Callahan filed a lawsuit last week in District Court in Las
Vegas claiming the elder Harrisons failed to provide "reasonable and
necessary" security at Gold and Silver Pawn Shop.
Callahan seeks
more than $20,000 for injuries he is alleged to have suffered being
tossed out after an argument over a rifle he brought.
In the
lawsuit, Callahan said he was put in a chokehold, dragged out of the
pawn shop and tossed on the sidewalk. So was his rifle and cane, which
were damaged, he alleged.
Corey Harrison, who said he didn't
witness the incident, said Callahan became "absolutely irate with a
weapon in his hand and 4,000 people waiting."
"He was screaming
'I want to see the owner.' I'm going with my employees because if I
were out there, I would have done the exact same thing. The way he was
acting it was in our best interests to get him out of there."
First, Corey, seriously, 4000 people in or around the store? Please, are you really that bad with numbers or estimates?
And he didn't see what happened? Maybe not in person but I am sure the whole incident was caught on video tape. All I see is C. Harrison just covering his butt because this can be bad publicity.
Having said that, I have seen first hand when people had something to pawn or sell, they only wanted Chumlee, Corey, Rick or The Old Man to give them service and when they weren't able to get that service, they got a little irritated.
The only way to know what really happened is in the video tape the store has. And considering the guy is only asking for $20,000, which is very low by Las Vegas standards, my guess is that both sides will settle out of court quite quickly. Then again, they maybe are playing this like a WWE wrestling match and we are being dragged in as part of the story line.
However, if both sides play it right, maybe they will re-enact the scene and put it on the show- that will draw in a lot of viewers.
A History Lesson
6 hours ago
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