Every poll out lately shows that Gov. Scott Walker has a pretty good lead in the recall election in Wisconsin. If Walker wins (and I am willing to bet a Big Mac Meal for those who live in Las Vegas) and liberals get clobbered and embarrassed, I wonder what excuses they will use to explain their horrible loss:
1. Voters were stupid.
2. Obama's fault.
3. Bad Democrat candidate
4. Koch Brother's fault
5. Voter fraud by Republicans
6. Out of state money to Walker
7. It is Bush's fault.
8. Walker lied
9. Talk radio sucks
10. All of the above.
The liberals will never believe that that the voters of Wisconsin will have rejected the liberals view points. The liberals will never believe that they were wrong to recall Walker and the liberals will never believe that they are a bunch of blundering fools and dolts. They don't realize that those who favored the recall are just a bunch of hateful union thugs who like to pick on the disabled and who are prone to violence. They also have as many brain cells as an amoeba.
Can't wait until about 7:00 PM PST on June 5 to gloat.
Sunrise — 6:55.
5 hours ago
How about this: Bazillions of dollars versus not bazillions of dollars?
ReplyDeleteTrue, that's another excuse, though the Dem's probably have spent more since Walker was elected to get rid of him tghan Walker will spend. Just a guess, but I think accurate.
DeleteNo, no, no. . .the Dems are being outspent by millions. . .Karl Rove's spending a fortune up there.
I am talking from the day Walker was elected until now, the unions have spent millions on recalling Senators and Assembly members along with getting the petition drives going, the primaries and now this election. If you includejust the Walker/Barrett election, then you are right, but the liberals have spent millions from day 1.