Thursday, June 28, 2012

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire

With the Supreme Court ruling, we just got the highest tax increase in U.S. history.


  1. Okay, whose taxes are going up exactly? Those who are being taxed because they don't have insurance? Isn't it a pittance? I know this is the (sour grapes/lemons into lemonade) new talking point, but who is being taxed today that we didn't know about yesterday?

  2. And you do know that if the SCOTUS renamed it a tax, it doesn't mean Obama lied, it means the terminology has changed.

    By the way, Romney has a buttload of lies this campaign season, straight-up, easily disprovable lies.

  3. The Obama administration claimed this was not a tax and it was argued in the courts that this was not a tax. Further, Obama promised that we would be not taxed. Ok, but then what do you call the increases in health insurance to pay for ObamaCare? A fee?
    And I certainly am not going to defend Romney, especially with RomneyCare.

  4. Yeah, but you can't retroactively call a guy a liar if the terminology later changes.

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