From ESPN: A California man has pleaded guilty in a New York court to trying to
sell for $200,000 a 19th-century baseball glove he falsely claimed
belonged to Babe Ruth.
Irving Scheib entered the plea to a count of wire fraud in federal court in Manhattan on Thursday.
government says the Bonsall, Calif., resident bought the glove on eBay
for $750 in January. It says he then claimed the late "Father Knows
Best" actor Robert Young had gotten the glove.
The government says Scheib is married to one of the actor's granddaughters.
say a buyer backed out after Scheib refused to notarize a letter. They
say Scheib was caught after an investigator posed as a New York buyer.
Most people would have had the glove looked at by an expert and and not take the word of the seller.
I got to say that I think it may be wrong to file the charges unless he absolutely knew the glove didn't belong to Babe Ruth or that the signature was a print. Further, the seller should have done his/her homework and would have found out that a glove signed by the Babe would be worth in the thousands to ten's of thousands.
Obviously, the seller has never watched Pawn Stars.
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