Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Update: Murbarak Still Allive, Dead Or Something In Between

Yesterday, the Egyptian media reported that former Egyptian leader, Hosni Mubarak was clinically dead.
Well, apparently, that may not be true.
From the Egypt Daily News:
The exact condition of former President Hosni Mubarak’s health remains a mystery, as government officials variously described him to the media as comatose, on life support, and much improved, just hours after Egypt’s state news agency pronounced him “clinically dead,” in a report on his late-night transfer from prison to a hospital in an upscale district of the capital.
Compounding the confusion, his lawyer “contradicted what he called false reports in Egypt’s state-run media that the imprisoned former president had nearly died, insisting that Mr. Mubarak simply fell down in the prison bathroom,” my colleagues David Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim report.
The flurry of conflicting reports, coming as the deposed leader was moved to the relative comfort of the military hospital in Maadi, where the Shah of Iran spent his last days, prompted a wave of skepticism and mockery from Egyptian bloggers and journalists, who accused the government news agency MENA of exaggerating the seriousness of Mr. Mubarak’s condition.
As my colleagues explained late Tuesday, “Mr. Mubarak has had health problems for years, but the flood of reports and scares in recent weeks led many Egyptians to believe that the military rulers, determined to move Mr. Mubarak out of a notorious prison, were using those accounts to prepare the public for such a move.” Officials told The Times last week that doctors overseeing Mr. Mubarak’s care in prison had recommended transferring him to a hospital, and that the third floor of the well-appointed facility in Maadi had already been prepared for him — one floor above the suite reserved for the Shah in 1980.
After Mr. Mubarak’s lawyer told CNN late Tuesday that the former president’s wife, Suzanne, was at her husband’s side in the hospital, several bloggers suggested that the family reunion was perhaps one of many reasons the hospital was more comfortable for the former president.
So, it appears the Egyptian media is followig the lead of Saturday Night Live

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