Saturday, September 15, 2012

Darryl E. Owens What A Frickin Racist

I don't know who Darryl E. Owens, a writer for the Tribune Company,  is, nor have I ever read anything he has written, but it took me about 3 sentences to figure out he is a racist and idiot.
From the bigot:
The more you watch America's quadrennial political caucuses, the more it seems we're watching two distinct nations.
Democratic close-ups displayed a diverse gumbo ladled from America's great melting pot. Republicans, meanwhile, dished up New England clam chowder.
Excluding speakers the GOP trotted on stage, diversity was scarce. (And are we really sure some of the "people of color" weren't really Romney boosters rocking fabulous suntans?),0,1472494.column
So, apparently, this idiot thinks that people of color should not be Republicans and they apparently can only be liberal Democrats.  That's a very racist and stupid statement.  Apparently, he thinks that people of color cannot think for themselves and need to stay on the Democrat plantation where they will be taken care of, from cradle to grave.
And to be honest with, I have no idea why so many minorities support Obama, for no other reason than Obama is black.
What has Obama done for the black community? Lower unemployment for African Americans?  Nope.
Lower gas prices so they can get to work, if they are lucky enough to find a job?  Nope.
Lower energy and food costs so that those who are poor in the African American community don't have to decide whether to freeze to death in the Winter or get heat stroke in the Summer or eat or get medicines.
But Obama has put more people in the minority community in poverty and on food stamps and welfare than most other presidents have done.
So, to the racist, Darryl E. Owens, maybe you can start the equivalent organization of the KKK- you certainly have the same kind of views they have.

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