Sunday, September 9, 2012

Do The Bozo's At The Las Vegas Sun Really want Us To Answer This Question?

Seriously, the Bozo's at the Las Vegas Sun and their editorial writers have to be on drugs or are mentally ill.
Today, they run an editorial about the 2 political conventions then heap glowing praise on their Savior, President Obama.  And in the last paragraph, they as this question:
The question for voters this fall is clear, and it will come down to Americans’ view of citizenship: Do we, as Americans, participate and find candidates who can work together, or do we settle in for four more years of a sluggish recovery and political divisiveness?
Well, let see. Obama has shown he doesn't work well with other people.
Mitt Romney, as a private business man has shown that he can work well with other people.
And if we go with Obama, I can guarantee you we will continue to have 4 more years of sluggish recovery and divisiveness because Obama's policies have failed and he doesn't play well in the sandbox with the other children.
Yes, using drugs is not a good thing and the Las Vegas Sun, ruled by the crack/meth smoking (or at least he acts like it) of Brian (The Coward) Greenspun, shows once again that drugs are a dangerous thing, especially used by editorial writers of the Las Vegas Sun.

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree with either the Sun editorial nor your analysis. The Sun's question is muddy, but your conclusion that Obama doesn't work well with others is fairly untested. The Republicans have been obstructing virtually everything--as policy--since day one. They had a meeting to decide to obstruct on Inauguration Day! Ryan was even a participant. How can you say it's Obama that doesn't work well with others when they conspired to thwart him from the beginning?
