Sunday, September 9, 2012

Obama's Chicago: Teacher Strike

From the Chicago Tribune: Chicago's teachers union said it will strike Monday for the first time in 25 years after talks with Chicago Public Schools ended late Sunday night without resolution.
 “We have failed to reach an agreement that will prevent a labor strike,” Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said. “No CTU members will be inside of our schools Monday.”
 After an all-day negotiating session Sunday, school board President David Vitale told reporters the district had changed its proposal 20 times over the course of talks and didn't have much more to offer.
 “This is about as much as we can do,” Vitale said. “There is only so much money in the system.”
 The district said it offered teachers a 16 percent pay raise over four years and a host of benefit proposals.,0,2062807.story
So, the teacher's strike over a 16% pay increase?
And then you have the union thug mentality: “I think people feel like they've been bullied, so they want to say, ‘OK, let's do this, let's dance,'” said Jay Rehak, a union delegate and veteran high school English teacher. “We know a strike is really going to be painful. People will be hurt on both sides. But in the end, it's like saying, ‘I'll be bloodied and you'll be bloodied, but at least you'll know not to bully me again.'”
Finally, the guy in charge of Chicago and the school board is Rahm Emmanuel, an Obamaite.  I guess when you can't run up deficits like the federal government, reality sets it and you actually have to play by the rules. 
Hopefully, the strike will not last a long time and the children will be able to get back to school.  Then I hope the students soon follow.
Maybe Obama ought to get involved?

update: It should be noted that none of the other unions in the Chicago Public Schools are supporting  the teachers and they are going to cross the picket line.

1 comment:

  1. Pray tell, what am I missing?
    Further, Obama chooses not to get involved. he doesn't stand beside the children of CPS, instead he chooses to be neutral. He's a pathetic wimp.
