Saturday, September 1, 2012

Shelly Berkley: Still Ethicless

Shelly Berkley
 From an on-line commercial from the witch, Shelly Berkley:
Dean Heller.
He's never been for you.
Paid for by Berkley for Senate 

When people say they are sick and tired of politics, they can point to these types of commercials.  You may not like Dean Heller and hate his politics, but to say he's never been for you is going way over the top.
Heller is not a Hitler type politician and he probably likes the people of Nevada.  But to say he's never been for you is so much over the top is just stupid and downright mean.
As a conservative, I don't care for Berkley or President Obama but I would never say he is never say they have never been for us.  They believe in their policies and most of the times, they think their policies will work.  I disagree with their policies and I don't think their policies will work but I would never say that they have never been for me or the rest of the U.S.
So, I hope Shelly Berkley pays for her over the top campaign style.  She is the most ethically challenged  politician in Nevada at this time, though Harry Reid is a very, very close 2nd.  And Berkley is far more ethically challenged than Jim Gibbons or John Ensign, 2 GOP politicians that had ethics problems in their pants.
So, I hope Berkley gets what she deserves- a complete ass whipping by Dean Heller and finally get rid of her out of Nevada politics forever. 

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