Monday, September 10, 2012

So, Where Was The Secret Service?

This picture of President Obama being bear hugged makes me wonder where the Secret service was in protecting the president?
If this guy wanted to, he could have done great harm to the president with the bear hug...unless.....
The bear hug was staged.
First, if you were all of suddenly bear hugged, is that the kind of response/gesture you would give?
Second, if I or anybody else except Michelle Obama came up and gave the president a bear hug, we would be lucky if we weren't shot and/or tased.  If the Secret service didn't do that, then the guy would have been tackled and thrown to the ground and arrested.  Hell, they arrest pilots who fly within 3 miles of Air Force 1 when it is sitting on the ground and the president is no where near the plane.
So, my best guess is that his was staged event put on by the Obama administration.

1 comment:

  1. It was totally staged!

    In fact, I heard on the radio that the alleged hugger had to get permission from the SS before touching El Presidente. This was just a stunt, nothing more.

    Of course I wondered where the SS was at when Bush had shoes thrown at him but what do I know?
